Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
8 more days
Okay so I literally have a week & one day left until it's time for me to leave. I'm taking my first trip on Amtrak, pray for me that it's not horrible. Christmas was interesting, I wasn't really expecting much, I was actually disappointed that I didn't have the funds to get all the people I love gifts but as soon as the mula comes in, Imma have gifts galore to hand out. :)
Monday, December 21, 2009
Hard Candy

Sunday, December 20, 2009
The L word.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Eff it all
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Love Bug.
everything happens for a reason when in reality,it's just that we give reasons for everything that happens

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Is this a HATE crime?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009

(CNN) -- About 200 people were searching Monday in North Carolina for the body of a missing 5-year-old girl after "reliable information" indicated that she may be dead, Fayetteville, North Carolina, police said.
The search focused on land near a roadway because "reliable information received that the body of Shaniya Davis may have been dumped there," the Fayetteville Police Department said in a statement.
Investigators have been searching for Shaniya for several days.
Police charged the girl's mother, Antoinette Nicole Davis, with trafficking and other offenses, authorities said. Davis was "prostituting her child," said Fayetteville police spokeswoman Theresa Chance.
Other charges against the mother include felony child abuse, prostitution and filing a false police report, according to the Fayetteville Police Department.
The mother told police last week that the child vanished from their mobile home in Fayetteville.
Hotel surveillance video taken around the same time Shaniya was reported missing shows the girl with a man identified as Mario Andrette McNeill. He has been charged with first-degree kidnapping.
Police said they dropped kidnapping charges against another man, Clarence Coe, who was arrested Thursday in connection with the case.
I have a weak spot for children, I'm the Oldest of 8 and have been around kids ever since I could remember. I have this thing in my heart where I just want to save every single kid from monsters like this person. How do you prostitute a 5 year old! They can't even comprehend SEX, this disgusts me, not only do they not understand the act of sex but how does a grown ass man have SEX with someone who could be their child, their neice, they're LITTLE SISTER. What the hell is this world coming to. She deserves life in prison because this child did NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING to deserve this. I pray they find her alive, I really do.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
This is NOT justice
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Capital Punshiment
Monday, October 26, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Blackberry aka Crackberry; Fall

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Dairy Queen

So for those of you who are still clueless I work at Dairy Queen. Now this job has it's pros and cons but mostly I always have CRAZY customer stories I have to tell and sometimes it gets quite annoying and becomes frustrating more than entertaining. I have been working at DQ for 3 years now, I started in 2006 and there is ALWAYS going to be crazy stories when it comes to dealing with customers. We get this magazine at the store and now I can't remember what it's called but there's always a part in the magazine that has customer letters telling about their good experience or the bad experience they had when visiting various Dairy Queens across the United States. Well some of them are cool, and others are just the typical complaining of what we as the employee could have done better to make their visiting experience up to par, well people it's time to see the other side of the story. Today I was at work and it was almost time for us to close, one of my biggest pet peeves is when a customer sees the lights are off, the open signs are off, the roof signs are off and they come up to the window anyway and ask " Are you still open?"
Friday, September 4, 2009
late night/ early morning. Whatev floats your boat.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Death to ALL flies.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
When I grow up I wanna be--

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
"Team Awesome "
Here's just a few opinions on shows I can't get a enough of:
Guy Fieri is simply AMAZING. His show ALWAYS makes me hungry so if you do decide to watch this show definitely make sure you're eating as you watch. The places he visits makes me wish they were looking for a co-host I would so be the best person ever to do it HONESTLY. I love food with a passion and what job is better than getting paid to eat?!? Okay, I KNOW that the bathroom is probably the place ends up in at the end of the night filming all this stuff, and it's definitely not good to be consuming all this food and not being active but come on we deserve to live a little right? Reguardless, food network if your looking for a female co-host, I'm your girl.
So chopped is another really good show, the ingredients they sometimes give the chefs to use are such a challenge I even find myself trying to come up with recipes as they start working on them. It's a really good show, and it also gives you hints and shows you different ways to make stuff and what not. Although I love to cook, I don't want to have to go school and pay for it so I get hints watching this show and sometimes find stuff that I want to try one day when I get a chance. Definitely a good show.
I also can't get enough of the Food Network Challenge and although this child can be very very annoying I loved the sweet sixteen Miley Cirus one. The cakes were super cute and I was definitely getting ideas to have my cake made for my 21st, although they wouldn't be exactly the same but the cakes were so unique it would have definitely been a challenge for me to pick one. I also like all the challenges they do when it comes to cakes because they make some really amazing sculptures that almost make you double take and study it to make sure it is a real cake. I remember seeing a stand made out of cake with a dress and along with a pearl necklace and it was all cake. Like EDIBLE! I know it had to be super heavy but it was amazing. The details and everything, so beautiful.
Finally, the show I love THEE most although it was hard. BOBBY FLAY! I seen the one with the chicken & waffles, OMG! I wanted chicken & waffles right then and there. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE food. Like honestly, I'm like a big girl at heart; I ALWAYS say that but it's so true. So he challenges people in what they're known for, it's crazy & I freakin love it.