So for those of you who are still clueless I work at Dairy Queen. Now this job has it's pros and cons but mostly I always have CRAZY customer stories I have to tell and sometimes it gets quite annoying and becomes frustrating more than entertaining. I have been working at DQ for 3 years now, I started in 2006 and there is ALWAYS going to be crazy stories when it comes to dealing with customers. We get this magazine at the store and now I can't remember what it's called but there's always a part in the magazine that has customer letters telling about their good experience or the bad experience they had when visiting various Dairy Queens across the United States. Well some of them are cool, and others are just the typical complaining of what we as the employee could have done better to make their visiting experience up to par, well people it's time to see the other side of the story. Today I was at work and it was almost time for us to close, one of my biggest pet peeves is when a customer sees the lights are off, the open signs are off, the roof signs are off and they come up to the window anyway and ask " Are you still open?"
# 1. Is it not obvious that we're closed when everything that is usually on during operating hours is off
# 2. Do you really care if we're open, or is it just you as the customer trying to be annoying, because regardless if we are open or not you are still going to want some ice cream.
If you're going to ask me if we're open, and I tell you no, then LEAVE. Do not stand around with that stupid face and look as though I'm supposed to stay up for you, because then YOU attract MORE customers. Now I know this sounds really mean, but if only you could understand how often I have to put up with this annoying question like it doesn't matter if we're closed or not so please do not ask because you will still proceed to give your order anyway, because you want some ice cream. Now not only does it drive me insane when that happens, BUT the funniest thing that I actually find really entertaining is the fact that people will come and order a EXTRA LARGE BLIZZARD, which is a ridiculous amount of ice cream and then along with all of those calories order a EXTRA LARGE DIET POP. Seriously??? What is the point of this people, please let me know? I don't understand how that all balances out. Now another great thing you get to experience when working at Dairy Queen is the fact that when cutomers have an attitude they want you to still continue to be polite to them. For example, I worked tonight from 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm. I got there early though and it was about 9 almost 9:30 and this guy comes up to the window and says he wants six items, and I'm like okay what can I get you, and he says six items again, and then as I proceed to ask him again what six things he wants, he says I'm trying to tell you I want six things, now if you can be quiet I'll tell you, but since you want to do it your way fine. He orders 2 hot dogs, 2 polish sausage and 2 large mistys, then gives me some money [ now even though I had to put up with his attitude I still made a tip ] but the weirdest things happens, he's waiting for his order then the next thing I know I look up and he's gone on his bike. SUPER WEIRD. Why do you pay for all that stuff, and then leave? That's just not all that smart, but hey whatever. I experience a lot of things working at Dairy Queen, some good, some bad, but the location that I work with and the people and managers are amazing, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Regardless of the rude, inconsiderate customers I have to deal with from time to time. Oh and another thing that I think is super cool is the fact that I work at the first dairy queen ever built in minnesota. Go a head, hate on it. :)
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