Hmmm, so not to be the whiner, although I feel like since I said that it will be exactly what this post sounds like but I swear I think birth control makes you even more emotional. Yes, for those of you who don't know, although I personally don't think it's a big deal I'm on birth control or ( BCP ) which by the way [ Lilly you have inspired me to write " no babies " on my pack as well ] but any who I always find myself like really emotional over stuff that probably should be that serious you know. But then I think on it and I'm like okay, but I'm not always like this so it's like small spurts or whatever. It's just annoying, I started working again back at DQ aka Dairy Queen for those of you who are clueless to what that meant and I don't have a day off until Wednesday. I'm not complaining at all, NO NO not at all, I NEED THE MONEY. But I already feel that feeling that I always get when I'm heading down the "doing too much" road. I feel like I need to start writing again, man this is kind of creepy because I been reading my brother's god sister's blog too, and she said she use to write ALL THE TIME. Well, I was the exact same way. I had this brown journal my mom gave me and it had a song on the cover page, well a few pages in and it was the song " I hope you dance" by Lee Ann Womack. I love that song, it's super inspirational, as a matter of fact that will be my song playing on page for a few days. But anyways, I would write ALL THE TIME my senior year, about whatever I was feeling, poems, thoughts, quotes, whatever and it would be like a weight lifted off my shoulder. But now, I just don't write. Maybe I don't have the time, or maybe it is " permanent writers block" whatever it is I need a release like 3 weeks ago, something's gotta give. I need a breath of fresh air.
[The picture on this post is actually the picture that was on the front of journal.]
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