So as you can see this post is titled "shoe-gasm" believe it or not I am a virgin when it comes to having a shoe-gasm. Yes I've seen shoes and I'm like yeah those are cute but I've never been one to go like super psycho I gotta have those shoes. For the following reason:
1. Food is my first ♥
2. I always spend ALL my money on food, which is another sad fact.
3. Did I mention I love food?
Therefore if it comes down to choosing between some damn shoes or CHIPOTLE! Well people you already know what your answer is. I for one do not understand how anybody could not ADORE, be OBSESSED, go CRAZY when it comes to ordering CHIPOTLE! [ yes the exclamation point is needed ] I was reading this comment posted on Ronnie B's status [] and he said that CHIPOTLE! is overrated or somewhere along that line, it broke my heart. So then Ash-bunny [ she's my brothers god sister,] said " chipotle is made by gods, how could you not love it" and I so agree. CHIPOTLE is just super bomb. But sadly, this post isn't about CHIPOTLE so I'm moving on... sadly...
So I've become addicted to this site called, thanks to my boyfriend and basically it's a bunch of randomness at the tips of your fingers in any subject you can probably think of it. It's really fun, and I get excited staying up all night pressing the "stumble " button. [ I don't start working until next week, so I'm what my brother calls a " College Bum" don't judge me. ] So anyway usually I press the same categories all the time but the other day I decided to do the shopping section and that was when I almost died from what people call a shoe-gasm. OMG, I usually don't wear heels, although I do have a good build and tiny feet to wear them I would rather wear my " ugg slippers" [ their from TARGET! ahhh I ♥ target] I mean who wouldn't love to get something designer for super cheap, and the knock-off is so dead on. Whatever, I love a bargain and refuse to pay 100 something dollars when I could get almost identical pair for like 20 bucks. Saves me money, and saved money makes me happy; although I SUCK at saving money but whatever that's not for this post. So anyway I enclosed three of the shoes I will be getting, and I hope you like. :)

how could you not ♥ this!

I just love these because their more on the wild side, and I would so have fun trying to figure out what the heck to get to match these :) such a challenge

snakeskin, and blue? Love it. enough said.
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