Sometimes I just want to close my eyes and the madness of the world becomes at a standstill
I don't want to have to deal with " silly" emotions nor the complications that life throws at you
I'm not complaining.. just simply stating.. madness I need a break from you
From you twists and turns and life changing situations that you decide to throw my way...
It's amazing how you can be so set in a certain opinion and certain circumstances alter them
I mean come on, I was definitely sure that in no way shape or form is it okay for you to have your cake and eat it to.. But I may feel differently now. It could be from past experiences that have made me want to lock my heart up in numerous way and compartments, or even the simple fact that I'm scared to admit the inevitable which so kindly snuck up on me and bit the shit out of me. I didn't bleed though, nah I've grown to become almost immune to these bites. ALMOST.
See the harder you fight the faster you fall, it's almost like quick sand you know when you have to stay calm and then you can be set free ( okay maybe it's like harry potter when they were wrapped up in the devils snare and Ron freaked out, and Hermione told him that he had to calm down in order to break free.. don't judge me okay ) anyway.. I kept fighting and well it happened. I'm scared as shit because I have to brace myself for this emotion, nobody can give me a straight answer when I ask " What is love" there are so many definitions of it that I don't even know if I have an understanding but I feel it towards him and I'm scared. I'm scared because of what the past has brought and I don't want that to happen again.. It would be my fault. You know fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.. fool me three times.. yeah you get the drift..
We spend our whole lives telling ourselves that
everything happens for a reason when in reality,it's just that we give reasons for everything that happens
everything happens for a reason when in reality,it's just that we give reasons for everything that happens

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