Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I am definitely a dreamer. I have dreams all the damn time and I definitely ALWAYS feel as though there is meaning behind them. Well I've recently learned, that my mind is super sensitive before I fall asleep. So if my mind is fixed on something someone said, or even if something is bothering me then I will probably have a really crazy dream. I also seem to dwell on small things like what I've read or something because I had a dream that I was pregnant. OH NO! Can I like OD on birth control? Remember "a pill a day keeps the babies away" but the dream was super dramatic because my stomach was small as hell, I delivered my own baby, my boyfriend was there, but we couldn't think of a name, and then like 2 hours later I was walking around. Hah ! Crazy as hell, I know. But still, I hope that it was just a dream, well I know that it was just a dream because currently I'm not pregnant. We're just going to keep it like that people. 

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