Jason aka " Sweater One" :

Jason is the one who makes me laugh, and is always there to give you advice. He's one of a kind and he's such an amazing person, I honestly don't think Jason & I have ever argued. Despite the fact that we recently got close this semester he's a person I could see as a life long friend, he isn't your average "black guy" which is why I like him so much. He's just down to earth, and he tells it like it is, I hope this doesn't sound like a creepy here's a guy for sale or anything like that. He's just a good friend, and I'm glad he was brought into my life.. besides what guy in your life can you say almost walked into lady gaga and got arrested because he was too occupied texting. Yeah.. go head .. hate on it. Anyway Jason, if you see htis know that your amazing, and that you shouldn't change for anyone! I hope to visit Jersey soon so I can get a coney dog and have lots of fun ! COWBOY JASON! Yellow nipples & streaking on the private beach. Oh yeah and ROOT beer. =]
The Better One & The Letter One aka Livi & Matthew :

The other couple .. Jeeze I'm going to miss you two. Im so glad I got to know you know Livi, you've made my life that much more funnier with your amazingly random personality, and dances. Your hands down my favorite Berumudian although your the only bermudian I know but still, who says that matters. Matt your definitely one of a kind and the things you do are equally funny, I hope you two know how much you guys mean to me and have an amazing summer! I'm going to miss all the things that Matt you've already experienced and nine times out of 10 can tell us all how it works, and livi and your crazy dance moves, that come at the most random of times. Fendi too, even though he made me sneeze like there was no tomorrow, and getting to know all you two because we hung out so often, doing your hair and learning new things about different countries, fashion or where the conversation may take us. I can't wait until we do our cruise, get that condo in NY & get you on a track my sexy bermudian!
Last but DEFINITELY not least, the most amazing boyfriend ever... who took part of me to maryland and anywhere else you go this summer:

Baby.. baby.. Baby.. words can't describe how amazing you are. Especially that nose of yours ;).. this semester wouldn't have been complete without you and your the one who introduced me to these crazy amazing people. I miss you so much and it hasn't even been a whole day. I just want to thank you for everything, all the good times & bad because you can't have the good without the bad. I know I'm going to see you again but when you're with someone who makes it seems like the world is perfect and nobody can hurt me .. you always want to be around that person. This semester will forever be apart of me and I have you to thank for.. I can't wait for the many more to come...
Well people.. I just wanted to give a introduction to the amazing people who kept me sane, and loved while I was away from home. My second family.. I can't wait until I see you guys again. Until next time..

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