I love. LOVE. LOVE. her nails.
These are just a few quotes that give me strength, make me smile, inspire me. Some are how I'm feeling, some are just randomness that makes me.. well me.
you're not going to be his first & you're not going to be his last, or his only.
he has loved before, and he will love again.
if he says he loves you now, what else matters?
he isn't perfect and you aren't either.
but he can make you laugh, he can make all your worries go away, &admit that he too makes mistakes. so hold onto him for as long as you can.
he isn't going to quote sappy love poems, but he will trust you enough to give you a part of him that you have the ability to break.
don't hurt him, don't try to change him, and don't expect more than he can give. don't analyze.
smile when he makes you happy, and let him know when he makes you mad.
miss him when he isn't there, and appreciate him for everything that he is worth.
because before you know it, he will only be a memory.
I've stopped taking people's shit completely.
I'm gonna be completely honest.
Say what I feel.
And fuck the people who get in the way.
So fail. Be bad at things. Be embarrassed. Be afraid. Be vulnerable.
Go out on a limb or two or twelve. You will fall, and it will hurt.
But the farther you fall, the higher you will rise.
The higher you rise, the clearer your future becomes. Failure is a gift, welcome it.
There are people who spend their whole lives wondering how they became the people they became,
how certain chances pass them by, why they didn't take the roads less traveled.
Those people aren't you.
You have front row seats to your own transformation and in transforming yourself,
you might transform the world. It will be electric, and I promise it will be terrifying.
Embrace that; embrace the new person you're becoming.
This is your moment. I promise you, it is now, not to two minutes from now,
not tomorrow, but really now. Own that, know that deep in your bones,
go to sleep every night knowing that,
wake up every morning remembering that, and keep going.
Don't worry. He'll miss you. You're the best he could get and he blew it.
Don't let him make you think for one second that it was your fault.
It's not. He screwed up, and you did absolutely nothing wrong.
You gave him your heart and you trusted him to keep it and protect it, but he couldn't.
And honestly he's not mature enough. He's not smart enough.
If he was smart, he would have cared for you with every fiber of his being and been with you in every spare second he could, but he didn't and now he's gone.
But don't you cry, sweetie. Don't call him telling him you miss him.
Don't IM him, don't message him, don't comment him, and don't talk to him in the hallways,
just pretend like you don't care, because, well, you don't.
And don't be surprised when he comes crawling back saying he made a mistake,
and if you want to, go with him again, but make him work for you.
Don't be his doormat.
Don't let him the first time he rings the bell,
make him come back every day until you trust him enough.
If he doesn't come back after a couple of tries, just let him go,
but if he comes back every day, then he's worth it, trust me. He's worth it.
And I guess you're proof
that when you let go of the past,
something better comes along
You know what your problem is?
You have no idea what you're worth.
I'm serious, you don't know how beautiful you are.
I mean, when I look at you, I shiver.
And you can't even see it.
Sometimes I sit back and think I just want more than anything your time. I want you to look me in the eye and tell me I'm beautiful, and even when I don't feel like it tell me I'm amazing. To kiss me like no one is watching & to smile like I'm the only person in the world that you wanna be with. Is that too much to ask? - MEEEE
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